PAINTING 2021-2022 WORKSPAINTING 2023 PAINTING 2021-2022 PAINTING 2019-2020 PAINTING 2017-2018 PAINTING 2015-2016 PAINTING 2012-2014 PAINTING 2007-2011 DRAWING 木 の 幻mirage of the tree242×333 mm (F4)13.1×9.5 in.雲肌麻紙・岩絵具・箔mineral pigments, foils on paper2021 木 の 雷いかづちthunder of the tree242×333 mm (F4)13.1×9.5 in.雲肌麻紙・岩絵具・箔mineral pigments, foils on paper2021 木のビオスbios of the tree1620×1620mm (S100)63.8×63.8in.雲肌麻紙・岩絵具mineral pigments on paper2021 無題untitled180×140mm (F0)5.5×7.1 in.雲肌麻紙・岩絵具・箔mineral pigments, foils on paper2022 無題untitled180×140mm (F0)5.5×7.1 in.雲肌麻紙・岩絵具・箔mineral pigments, foils on paper2022 アノニムⅠanonym180×180mm(S0)7.1×7.1 in.雲肌麻紙・岩絵具・箔mineral pigments, foils on paper2022 アノニムⅡanonym227×158mm(SM)6.2×8.9 in.雲肌麻紙・岩絵具・箔mineral pigments, foils on paper2022 landscape -biotope-727×910mm(F30)35.8×28.6in.雲肌麻紙・岩絵具・箔mineral pigments, foils on paper2022 木のための小品Ⅰthe small work for the tree Ⅰ333×242 mm (F4)9.5×13.1 in.雲肌麻紙・岩絵具・箔mineral pigments, foils on paper2021